Health and Safety - Electrical Wall Sockerts
New Standards for South African Electrical Wall Sockets.
SafetyWallet's Blog and Articles about Health and Safety compliance and other related topics.
Vermont Sales and its SafetyWallet ROI
Vermont Sales and its SafetyWallet ROI
As a KPI (Key Performance Indicator), the ROI (Return on Investment) is essential for the determination of profitability of an expenditure, and the measurement of success over time, which greatly influences future business decisions. Vermont Sales is a member of SafetyWallet and as per the ROI SafetyWallet calculator, Vermont sales has seen a 7.7% return on investment thus far. It is important to note that, as a SafetyWallet subscription, the journey towards the highest Health and Safety compliance is not only beneficial to the company, workplace conditions, and other factors, but also makes a company a more favourable choice as a supplier.
4 Packaging’s Health and Safety Programme
4 Packaging’s Health and Safety Programme is paying for itself with SafetyWallet.
4 Packaging Africa is a member of the SafetyWallet health and safety membership and rewards programme.
The current health and safety return on investment (ROI) for the organisation as per the ROI SafetyWallet Calculator is 215.90%.
Since the last audit conducted, 4 Packaging Africa has shown great improvement in its health and safety compliance with the benefit of seeing a great reduction in costs while implementing and maintaining the health and safety programme.
JAM International – Our Health and Safety Programme pays for itself
JAM International – Our Health and Safety Programme pays for itself with our SafetyWallet Subscription
JAM International, as a subscriber of SafetyWallet, has achieved a 610.8% Return on Investment (ROI) according to the SafetyWallet ROI calculator.
When weighed against the industry average ROI, JAM International is 277.87% above that average. ‘Our Health and Safety Programme pays for itself with our SafetyWallet subscription’
JAM International’s health and safety road map, is as follows:
Step 1) Friend Circle Membership, and
Step 2) Maintaining the implemented Health and Safety programme
General Notice - Emergency Service Communications During COVID19
Independent Communications Authority of South Africa
Notice No. 512 of 2020
Mandating of a short code for the National Emergency Services
The service code “139” is mandated for COVID-19 national emergency
services during the National State of Disaster.
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Disaster Management Act of 2002 Level 1
Disaster Management Act of 2002 -
In terms of the Disaster Management Act of 2002 - Amended Regulation Update 17-09-2020 - to Chapter 6 where the regulation was amended to the application of the alert level to "Level 1"
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A Subscription towards a Return on Investment, – Khangwe Intelligent Technology Solutions
A Subscription towards a Return on Investment, and Health and Safety Success – Khangwe Intelligent Technology Solutions
Khangwe ROI Details and Health and Safety Road Map
The Subscription towards a Health and Safety Return on Investment, or more commonly referred to as ROI is an important Key Performance Indicator which determines the profitability of an expenditure for a company. It is also the measurement of success over time as it influences future business decisions.
As per the ROI Safety Wallet Calculator, Khangwe Intelligent Technology Solutions has a ROI of 257%.
According to the SafetyWallet Health and Safety Road Map, Khangwe Intelligent Technology Solutions currently has a compliance percentage of 95.02% after the last Health and Safety audit was conducted.
This puts Khangwe Intelligent Technology Solutions in the position to maintain the standards of health and safety compliance that it has through self-management.
This requires that annual audits and risk assessments be conducted in addition to ensuring that administrative updates are done.
7 Reasons Why Health and Safety E-Learning Training is Important
The provision of relevant information and training in any organization is imperative to ensure Health and Safety compliance throughout the entire structure. Every employee must know how to work safely and without risk to themselves, their health, and that of others.
Can a Safety Management Program yield a Return On Investment ROI
Can a Safety Management Program yield a Return On Investment ROI
It is important not to confuse the benefits of a Safety Management Program with the concept of Return on Investment. According to a Google search, ROI (Return on Investment) measures the gain or loss generated on an investment relative to the amount of money invested. ROI is usually expressed as a percentage and is typically used for personal financial decisions, to compare a companys profitability or to compare the efficiency of different investments