Level 3 Lockdown Compliance to Health and Safety Measures
As South Africa waits expectantly for lockdown restrictions to be lifted to Level 3, financial analysts warn of a roller-coaster ride that will fluctuate between Levels Five and One through until 2021. But amid this picture of doom and gloom, hope springs eternal in the country’s economic pulse.
SafetyWallet's Blog and Articles about Health and Safety compliance and other related topics.
Advice for Employers and Employees in Covid 19
The introduction of Level Three’s less stringent restrictions depends on two factors – effectively controlling Covid-19 infection rates and streamlining health facilities to deal with the pandemic. The Minister of Health, Zweli Mkhize, says these pre-requisites have been met.
South Africa is gearing itself for a more relaxed Covid-19 Level Three lockdown which will see thousands of more people from qualifying industries returning to work.
Workplace Preparedness and Government Demands on Health and Safety
Workplace Preparedness and Government Demands on Health and Safety. Covid-19 preparedness is vital to the health and safety of thousands of South Africans returning to the workplace at the beginning of May.
Guiding Healthy Employers Back to Work in the Face of a Pandemic Ensuring their Safety
Guiding Healthy Employers Back to Work in the Face of a Pandemic Ensuring their Safety For the past five weeks, most South African businesses have been shut down. Responding to the Government’s “stay at home” Covid-19 directive
Health and Safety Compliance Audit
The importance of the Occupational Health and Safety Compliance Audit. Health and safety compliance audits can be dynamic, directly contributing to the success of your organization. Let us explore this further.
Occupational Health and Safety Compliance Audit
Occupational Health and Safety Compliance Audit
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