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Back to Work Prevention KIT for FREE!
Your Free KIT includes:
Why is this for free?
- 1COVID-19 Policy
- Your newly developed policy to deal with COVID-19 in the workplace when Lockdown gradually lifts as required by the OHS Act. The OHS Act is a Self-Regulatory act. The OSH Act achieves self-regulation by requiring organizations to develop effective workplace policies (section 7) and procedures. The law also requires commitment from both parties (employer and employee) to ensure that these policies (e.g. Health and Safety policy, Rules for visitors and contractors, Alcohol and Substance policy, Dreaded diseases policy - Dealing with Infectious diseases like COVID-19 at work) and procedures are applied. The method used for achieving this is the health and safety committees and the health and safety representatives. The OHS Act is the only Labour Act that regards the consequences of non-compliance as a criminal offence (section 38-presumption in law). This means that in situations that result in serious injuries or death, both the employer and employee can be criminally prosecuted if they did not comply with the OHS Act.
- 2Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Policy
- In terms of Occupational Health and Safety standards, employers mustprovide their workforce with face masks to protect them againstinfection. Employees working in very high-risk occupations andhigh-risk environments should also be provided with PersonalProtective Equipment (PPE), such as clothing, goggles and helmets.Very high-risk occupations include healthcare and laboratoryemployees performing aerosol-generating work on Covid-19 patients.This includes the handling of body-parts and specimens of patients.High-risk occupations also involve healthcare and laboratory workersbut exclude those who are not exposed to aerosol-generatingprocedures.However, no matter the level of danger involved in the workplace,employees should wear face masks as a barrier against infection by thecoronavirus.
- 3Testing / Screening of Employees for COVID-19 Policy
- It is the Employer’s responsibility to prevent infection for workers returning to work. Under the COVID-19 Policy the following should take place. Daily screening of each employee returning back to work and logging of daily screening results. Employees with any signs or symptoms should not be allowed to work and referred to the national Help Line for Testing as a matter of urgency.Anyone with COVID‐19-like symptoms such as a sore throat, fever, sneezing, or coughing must self‐isolate at home for a minimum of 10 days from onset of symptoms, until their symptoms are completely resolved. Proper disinfecting of their work stations should be administered.
Hotline for the COVID-19 as per the Department of Health website: 0800 029 999 - 4Working from Home Policy
- In terms of the social distancing, Working from home is the preferred option as prescribed by Government. A Work from home policy has been developed by Makrosafe Holdings (Pty) Ltd.If you are able to work during this period and it is possible in terms of your position, then there is no requirement to submit a sick leave or annual leave request. You are, however, required to report daily to your line manager. Should you become sick during this period, the normal sick leave policy will apply.The purpose of this policy is to govern employee work from home in such a way that it is beneficial to The Employer
Please note the following in terms of this policy:- It caters for the health and safety of employees deemed eligible to perform work from home during times that work is carried out from home.
- Acceptance of this ‘Working from Home Policy’ does not alter the employee’s duties, obligations, responsibilities and/or conditions of employment with the Employer, unless specifically agreed upon in writing.
- 5Working from Home Risk Assessment
- Risk Assessments must be enforced for people working from Home. Certain sectors of South Africa’s essential services are slowly being allowed to return to work in terms of the government’s COVID-19 regulations. Because of this, it is now more important than ever before for industries to reassess risks which may exist in the workplace, including Hazardous Biological Agents (HBA).
The necessity for social distancing to contain the coronavirus pandemic has now resulted in thousands of employees working from home. It is vital that industries re-examine risks to identify the dangers that exist and the consequences of injury or ill health. This also entails risk assessments at employees’ homes. - 6Travelling to and from Work using Public Transport Risk Assessment
- We will be guided by Government as and when Lockdown is lifted. Strict protocols should be adhered to when traveling.All domestic flight travel are suspended until further notice unless absolutely necessary as determined by guidelines provided by Government under the Disaster management Act. Employees will still be required to travel locally when permitted, to clients and for business purposes, and this will be done in line with current protocols of low contact and high hygiene.
Using Public transport strict guidelines and control measures may be taken to ensure appropriate distance include, wearing Personal Protective Equipmentand sanitizing of hands, having workers sit one to a seat, with riders staggered to allow maximum distance, adjusting the number of workers taken per trip, and the overall number of trips needed to transport workers to a work site. It may mean using larger vehicles to ensure maximum spacing, or using multiple vehicles. - 7Workplace Risk Assessment - Exposure to Infections Diseases
- A proper and complete risk assessment to be performed when returning to work.The complete Risk Assessment developed by Makrosafe Holdings (Pty) Ltd. will be made available. Job tasks can be divided into four risk exposure levels: very high, high, medium, and lower risk. The Occupational Risk Pyramid shows the four exposure risk levels in the shape of a pyramid to represent probable distribution of risk. Most employees will likely fall in the lower exposure risk (caution) or medium exposure risk levels.
- 8Workplace Readiness after Lock
- COVID-19 spreads in a similar way to the flu. Most persons infected with COVID-19 experience mild symptoms and recover. However, some go on to experience more serious illness and may require hospital care. Risk of serious illness rises with age: people over 40 seem to be more vulnerable than those under 40. People with weakened immune systems and people with conditions such as diabetes, heart and lung disease are also more vulnerable to serious illness.
In order to pro-actively help prevent the spread of infections in the workplace, Employers must do the following:- Train their employees in managing infectious disease in the workplace.
- Maintain Physical Distancing as prescribed by current level of Lockdown.
- Ensure that the workplace is clean and hygienic.
- Promote good respiratory hygiene in the workplace by displaying posters that promote respiratory hygiene, coupled with a combination of other communication measures.
- Provide Protective Equipment and clothing where necessary.
- Advise employees and contractors to consult national travel advice before going on business trips.
- Brief employees, contractors and customers on the importance of staying at home/work from home when:They experience a mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3 C or more).
- COVID-19 starts spreading in the community.
- Managing COVID-19 risks when organizing meetings and events.
- 9Control measures Guidelines
- Prevention of infection is key on returning to work with daily screening and reviewing of Symptoms. Awareness by displaying posters of co-workers around you and social distances should be kept as prescribed at indicated the levels of lockdown. Wearing of Protective Clothing and equipment and sanitizing, are very important measures first and foremost. Each Workplace is different however and with a complete risk assessment the following should be implemented. Engineering Controls, Administrative Controls, Personal Protective Equipment Controls
- 10E-Learning (unlimited) - Managing Infectious Disease in the Workplace - COVID 19
- Our all new “Managing infectious disease in the workplace E-learning course” was developed by MAKROSAFE to deal with the current pandemic we face worldwide. It was updated with the highly infectious COVID-19 Repertoryillness, but also deals with other infectious diseases in the workplace. This is very informative high Quality Course and contains all you need to know about managing infectious diseases in the workplace for which you will receive a Certificate of completion after successfully completing assessment in the form of a quiz. More than 26 E-learning courses to do On-Line are available in our E-learning Library Free of charge when you join SafetyWallet.
The intent behind our Health and Safety E-Learning courses are to prevent injuries, diseases or deaths and, in general, to create awareness of Health and Safety considerations. Our E-Learning library is powered by OHS Online and not only does it have some of the best Health and Safety training courses in the world, it is also mobile-ready.
The Health and Safety E-Learning courses can help you improve your safety records, workforce productivity and your overall return on investment (ROI) in Health and Safety. The OHS Online E-Learning courses are just one way, with which, we ensure that your loved ones return home healthy and safe after work by ensuring that all employers, employees and contractors know and understand how to work safely.
The online training courses will ensure your employees and contractors have the knowledge and skills to work safely, as well as ensuring the protection of your company from reportable injuries and lost time incidents. The self-paced E-Learning courses feature knowledge check questions to engage your employees and contractors within the training intervention.
E-learning courses provided:- Managing infectious Disease in the workplace : COVID-19
- Accident and Incident Investigation in the Workplace
- Contractor management
- Diseases in the workplace
- Driven machinery
- Drug Testing in the Workplace
- Effective Contractor Management
- Electrical Safety
- Environmental Management
- Fall Protection
- Fire Fighting
- Fire Safety
- General Driving Safety
- Hazardous Chemical Substances in the Workplace
- Health and Safety Representative
- HIV and Prevention in the workplace
- Incident Reporting
- Introduction of Planned Task Observations
- IOSH Managing Safely Online Course
- IOSH Working Safely Online Course
- Lifting machine operator safety
- Measuring and monitoring
- Medical Surveillance
- OHS Act For Management
- Safe Work Permits
- Smoking in the workplace
- Vehicle Management
- Waste Recycling
- Working at heights
- Flexibility: Our courses can be accessed anywhere, at any time, via your desktop computer or your mobile phone.
- Cost and Convenience: It is cheaper for both the employer and provider to conduct Health and Safety awareness training via E-learning.
- Results and Certificates: Once a course has been completed, the results and certificates are immediately available.
- Refresher training: E-learning is an ideal way for the Health and Safety committee members and Health and Safety appointees, who have already completed MAKROSAFE Health and Safety Courses/ Skills Programme or Qualifications, to refresh their knowledge and stay abreast with the trends in legislation and other Occupational Health and Safety matters.
- 11Induction Booklet
- Induction Booklets are general health and safety pocket sized guides, made available to all workers to create general safety awareness in the workplace. General knowledge for working safety are usually the first training all employees receive when implementing a health and safety plan an all employees should be trained to work safely and help others work safely around them, improving safety as a cultural importance throughout the workplace.
- 12Toolbox Talks
Toolbox talks are informal group discussions within a workplace regarding specific health and safety issues. Toolbox talks help improve the safety of employees, encourages a greater Health and Safety culture within a workplace and can alert companies to the possible risks their employees face on a daily basis.
A toolbox talk revolves around special topics on safety aspects related to a specific job. Meetings are short and about topics such as workplace hazards and safe work practices. During toolbox talk’s workers knowledge are refreshed, safety checks are covered and experienced workers can provide information.
Why is toolbox talks important?
- Workers get involved in safety matters and reduce safety risks.
- New safety rules are introduced and workers are motivated to follow safe operating procedures.
- Vital information is provided to workers regarding accident causes and preventative actions.
- Planning, preparation, supervision and documentation is emphasized during toolbox talks.
- Toolbox talks are also helpful when reviewing company policies and procedures.
- Workers are encouraged to share their experiences that can help to review safety procedures in future.
- How to conduct toolbox talks?
- Schedule the meeting at the beginning of the shift.
- The meeting should be at the job site.
- The meeting should be approximately 10 - 15 minutes.
- Review and discuss the previous meeting.
- Discuss current tasks that need to be done.
- Safety issues such as the use of personal protective equipment, first aid, hazards and emergency procedures should be discussed.
- 13Awareness Posters
- We have new, beautifully designed and very informative COVID-19 Awareness posters as a reminder for all to see and provide information and instructions on what we are dealing with daily in Health and Safety. These awareness posters placed in high traffic areas and on noticeboards, have proven highly effective and informative communication methods.
- 14Daily Mandatory Checklist
- Daily mandatory Checklists are crucial in controlling the risk in the workplace. Health and safety representatives need to check, record and maintain mandatory checks for effective health and safety practices. MAKROSAFE provides us with these ready to use checklists to ease the implementation of control measures when returning to work.
- Employee Screening Checklist
- PPE Face mask / respirator Checklist
- PPE Hand Sanitizer Checklist
Supporting the Fight Against COVID-19
Why are we giving you this pack for free?
The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is proving enormously disruptive to people’s lives, workplaces and the South African economy.
As a responsible and active Health and Safety Service provider, MAKROSAFE fully recognizes our duty and deeper responsibility to continue supporting Health and Safety in Industry and Commerce to fight the spread of the Coronavirus in the workplace.
Working hand-in-hand with a broad range of social partners – we are driving our response efforts to equip and support Employers fighting this pandemic.
"We are excited to offer employers our COVID - 19 - Back to Work Pack - Valued at R 15,000.00 - 100% Free of Charge.
This includes a Free 20 minute Zoom consultation, should you need guidance on the way forward.
I give you my personal undertaking that MAKROSAFE is not expecting any compensation for the downloading and use of this pack, and your contact information will always be kept safe and will never be sold or disclosed to a 3rd party."
Leon van der Walt
Managing Director MAKROSAFE Holdings (Pty) Ltd
SafetyWallet membership Packages is as follow:
*Pricing is per branch
*Enjoy all other benefits from being a SafetyWallet Member Read More
Friend Circle
- Monthly Membership Fee R650
- SafetyWallet Membership Reward 25%
- Audit Discount Reward (for SafetyWallet Membership)80%
- Employees 1 – 50
Family Circle
- Monthly Membership Fee R1300
- SafetyWallet Membership Reward 30%
- Audit Discount Reward (for SafetyWallet Membership)80%
- Employees 51 – 100
Champion Circle
- Monthly Membership Fee R2500
- SafetyWallet Membership Reward 35%
- Audit Discount Reward (for SafetyWallet Membership)80%
- Employees 101 – 300
Pinnacle Circle
- Monthly Membership Fee R3500
- SafetyWallet Membership Reward 40%
- Audit Discount Reward (for SafetyWallet Membership)80%
- Employees >300
Have questions? We will be glad to help.
Contact us on the following numberS.
010 980 0506
010 980 0522
010 980 0523
010 980 0524
010 980 0526
010 980 0529
010 980 0985
010 980 0539
010 980 0981
010 980 0983