Search Questions:

How does the contractor search function work in the Contractor Approval page in OHS Online?

That's an important question! The search function has been designed to allow you to search for contractors who are SafetyWallet members too and then allows you to add them to your vetting list. Let's take a closer look at how it works:

When letters or a word of the contractor's name are entered in the Contractor Search field, associated details of the possible contractor will be shown in the Contractor Name field:

When the Contractor Name field is clicked on, a drop-down list is displayed, containing all the contractors who are visible on SafetyWallet. Selecting a contractor from the list, places the contractor in the field:

Once a contractor name is placed in the Contractor Name field, the blue Add button becomes active, allowing the contractor to be submitted into the vetting list. Once a contractor has been placed in the vetting list, it will display a 'Waiting' status (yellow), until it has been approved or turned down.