Health & Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset, and Behaviour Coaching Course

What is the Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset, and Behaviour Coaching Course?

The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset, and Behaviour Coaching Course is a comprehensive programme designed to help organisations establish a culture of safety in the workplace. It goes beyond mere legal compliance and focuses on fostering a proactive and positive mindset towards health and safety. Led by experienced coaches, participants learn valuable skills to involve stakeholders, provide effective training, recognise safe behaviours, and drive continuous improvement.

Who will benefit from this course?

The course is suitable for professionals across industries who are responsible for health and safety, including managers, supervisors, and safety officers. It equips them with the necessary skills to create a robust safety culture within their organisations. SafetyWallet subscribers not only get a discount for the course but also can benefit by accessing a range of policies, procedures, and practices for effective health and safety culture change management. Our Comprehensive Certified Coaching Course is designed to provide international certification and equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to become a successful coach.


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You can also download our Brochure for this course.

How is the course delivered, and what is the timeframe?

The course is delivered online in a drip-feed format, allowing participants to focus on one lesson per day. This delivery method ensures better comprehension and implementation of the course content. With a commitment of just 30 minutes to 1 hour per day, participants can easily fit the course into their busy schedules. The entire course takes approximately 3 months to complete, covering modules that address various aspects of health and safety culture transformation and mindset coaching.

What coaching techniques are covered, and how are they applicable in the workplace?

The course provides participants with practical coaching techniques that can be directly applied in the workplace. These techniques focus on shifting behaviours, thoughts, decisions, and reactions to promote a culture of safety among staff members. By developing these skills, participants can create improved health and safety outcomes within their organisations.

Why is fostering a proactive and positive mindset important?

Fostering a proactive and positive mindset towards health and safety is crucial for establishing a strong safety culture in the workplace. By involving all stakeholders in the process, organisations can create a shared understanding and commitment to prioritising safety. The course teaches participants effective strategies for engaging with different personality types, encouraging a safety-first mentality that is embraced by all.

How important is comprehensive training in building a safety culture?

Comprehensive health and safety training is vital in building a safety culture. Employees need to understand the risks they face in their roles and the strategies in place to mitigate those risks. Ongoing training ensures that employees stay aware of any changes and updates. The course guides participants in designing tailored training programs that meet the specific needs of their organisation, ensuring that all employees are well-equipped to contribute to a safe working environment.

Why is recognition and reward of safe behaviours significant?

Recognising and rewarding safe behaviours plays a key role in reinforcing a safety culture. The course covers both formal recognition programs and informal feedback mechanisms, highlighting the importance of acknowledging and reinforcing safe behaviours. By establishing these positive behaviour patterns, organisations can further enhance their safety culture.

How does continuous improvement contribute to a safety culture?

Continuous improvement is essential in the ever-changing landscape of health and safety. Regular reviews of safe work procedures and practices help identify areas for enhancement. By continuously improving their approaches, organisations cultivate a workplace safety culture that consistently strives for better practices and outcomes.

The Health and Safety Culture Transformation, Mindset, and Behaviour Coaching Course are essential for health and safety professionals. It provides participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to go beyond legal compliance and establish a culture of safety within their organisations. Led by experienced coaches, the course focuses on developing a proactive and positive mindset, providing comprehensive training, recognising safe behaviours, and driving continuous improvement. By the end of the course, participants are equipped with the skills to prioritise safety and foster a healthy work environment for all.

How does having a strong Health and Safety Culture and Policies in place help?

Having a strong Health and Safety Culture and Policies in place contributes in the following ways:

Demonstrating your commitment to health and safety:

By implementing our PPPs and using their document system, you provide a transparent picture of your workplace health and safety, allowing easy auditing of your health and safety and clearly demonstrating your commitment to the health and safety of your employees, contractors and visitors to any interested parties.

Growing the health and safety culture of your organisation:

Through implementing and using the PPPs, you can change health and safety behaviours in your organisation, improving employee attitudes and mindset towards health and safety and creating a positive health and safety culture.

Improved health and safety within your organisation:

Once implemented, the PPPs help lower the risks of incidents occurring in your workplace. This improves employee well-being and productivity and reduces the risk of unnecessary financial losses through lost-time incidents and penalties or fines.

Saving time and money:

Our PPP documents are ready-made so you can implement these from day-one, saving you the time and money of developing them from scratch. Once implemented, the PPPs help reduce the risks of unnecessary financial losses through lost-time incidents and penalties or fines.


How does SafetyWallet support its subscribers?

SafetyWallet, in partnership with MAKROSAFE and OHS Online, ensures that subscribers can obtain the highest level of compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all other legislation, and get rewards.

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