Contractor and Supplier Directory

SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory

What is the SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory?

The SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory is a tool that is hosted on the SafetyWallet Online Management System, called OHS Online. It allows SafetyWallet subscribers to search for specific services or products they need, much like a search engine such as Google. Once you have searched for a product or service, the results page will show other subscribers offering that service or product, ranked according to their level of Health and Safety Compliance.

Workplace Safety Made Easy with SafetyWallet Directory

Are you looking for a way to manage workplace safety easily and efficiently? Look no further than SafetyWallet. As a SafetyWallet subscriber, you can access a wide range of benefits, including the SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory, which is designed to help you find the right suppliers and contractors for your specific health and safety needs.

How Does the SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory Benefit Workplace Safety?

By utilising the SafetyWallet Directory, subscribers can easily find suppliers and contractors that have a commitment towards Occupational Health and Safety. All subscribers listed on the SafetyWallet Directory have an opportunity to make use of the Health and Safety Services and products available on My Safety Shop, to meet the highest standards of Health and Safety compliance. This means that by working with other subscribers, you can be assured that those subscribers have access to the same level of services offered to your business such as the same risk assessment methodology, quality of Health and Safety Training and E-learning amongst others.

What is a Supplier and Contractor?

A supplier is a person or company that provides goods or services to another business. A contractor is a person or company that provides a service to another business under a contract. In the Health and Safety context, suppliers and contractors may provide services or goods such as PPE, training, or consulting services however, on the SafetyWallet Directory, all subscribers can offer their specific products or services to other subscribers which are not Health and Safety related.

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Does Health and Safety Legislation Require Contractor Management?

Under the Occupational Health and Safety Act, employers are required to ensure that all contractors and suppliers they work with are compliant with the OHS Act. This means that employers must ensure that contractors have the necessary training, PPE, and other requirements to perform the work safely. Failure to comply with this legislation  can result in penalties or fines, not to mention accident and injuries on duty.

How Does the SafetyWallet Directory Assist with Generating a Return on Investment for SafetyWallet Subscribers?

By utilising the SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory, subscribers can benefit from discounts on products and services offered by My Safety Shop, the E-commerce website of SafetyWallet. Subscribers can receive a minimum of 2.5% discount for any services or products procured on the platform, up to a maximum of 12.5%. When combined with the discounts subscribers receive based on their Subscription type, this can hugely benefit subscribers in terms of the amount of savings they can build for themselves.

How Will Utilising the SafetyWallet Directory Assist Employers with Health and Safety Requirements?

By using the SafetyWallet Directory, subscribed employers can easily find suppliers and contractors that may meet Health and Safety compliance and that would have or easily can complete requirements such as, Health and Safety Training, Health and Safety Risk Assessment, Health and Safety Audit, Health and Safety site files, and others. This can help to ensure that employers are compliant with Health and Safety legislation and reduce the risk of accidents and injuries in the workplace. It also assists subscribers to more easily manage contractors and suppliers on site who may require Safe Work Permits, due to the fact that both parties would have access to OHS Online, which hosts a Permit to Work system.

The SafetyWallet Contractor and Supplier Directory is an essential tool for any employer looking to manage Health and Safety and contractors and suppliers more efficiently. By utilising the directory, subscribers can easily find suppliers and contractors that are committed to Health and Safety requirements, reduce costs, and generate a return on investment for SafetyWallet subscribers. So why wait? Sign up with SafetyWallet today and start taking advantage of all the benefits it has to offer.


How does SafetyWallet support its subscribers?

SafetyWallet, in partnership with MAKROSAFE and OHS Online, ensures that subscribers can obtain the highest level of compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all other legislation, and get rewards.

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