Supporting Claims for Injuries on Duty

What does SafetyWallet offer to help subscribers manage injuries on duty?

SafetyWallet provides a comprehensive range of resources and support to assist subscribers in managing injuries on duty. This includes guidelines on reporting procedures and also provides access to OHS Online to help employers navigate the complexities of managing injuries on duty.

What is the biggest challenge employers face in managing injuries on duty?

The biggest challenge employers face is managing the claims process. Filing a claim and ensuring that it is processed correctly and efficiently is crucial for employees to receive the compensation and support they need.

How does SafetyWallet assist subscribers in managing the claims process?

SafetyWallet provides guidance and support to subscribers on managing the claims process. This includes advice on completing the necessary injury on duty forms and documentation, procedures to follow, and stakeholders to contact in the event of an accident.

What is the OHS Online Health and Safety Management system?

The OHS Online Health and Safety Management system is a platform available to subscribers of SafetyWallet. It captures and manages all injuries on duty (IODs) and allows employers to monitor IOD claim progress and generate IOD reports.

How can SafetyWallet subscribers benefit from using the OHS Online Health and Safety Management system?

By using the OHS Online Health and Safety Management system, subscribers can monitor and track incidents to improve their workplace safety and prevent future incidents. This system helps employers keep track of all incidents and claims, helping them to identify areas where improvements can be made to prevent future incidents.

In conclusion, SafetyWallet provides essential resources and support for subscribers to manage injuries on duty effectively. With access to a range of tools and experts in the field, subscribers can streamline their processes and ensure that employees receive the compensation and support they need following an injury. Using the OHS Online Health and Safety Management system can also help SafetyWallet subscribers track incidents and improve their workplace safety.

How does SafetyWallet support its subscribers?

SafetyWallet, in partnership with MAKROSAFE and OHS Online, ensures that subscribers can obtain the highest level of Health and Safety compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, all other legislation, and more.

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