In OHS Online, how would I complete the Hot Work tab if the work being done included both hot work and confined space entry work?
That's a very good question you've asked! The reason it's important is because both the Hot Work tab and the Confined tabs need to be selected in the PTW to identify and put controls into place for the specific hazards associated with them. However, both have a common factor which needs to be looked at and that is the vessel specific precautions.
Since both tabs will be referring to the same vessel being entered, the question arises, 'Do I have to enter the same information into the vessel section of each tab?' The answer is, 'Yes, you do have to'. The reason for this is that the details in the vessel specific precautions for the hot work, need to be there to indicate the potential hazards and precautions taken to prevent a fire or explosion, with respect to the contents of the vessel. The details in the vessel specific precautions for the confined space entry, need to be there to indicate the potential hazards and precautions taken to prevent injury or worse to the persons working within the vessel, with respect to the contents of the vessel.
Both aspects are referring to the same thing (the safety around the vessel contents), however, they do so from slightly different angles. The 'duplication' in repeating the vessel details in both tabs, ensures the hazards specific to both work types (hot work and confined space entry) are covered.
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