What are the basic components of the Incident tab, in OHS Online?
So, an incident has occurred during the course of the contractor work! Okay, so that's where this tab comes in! Let's look at the Incident tab more closely then! The Incident tab is made up of eight parts, which all deal with different aspects of an incident, should it happen during the work done by the contractor:
1. Person Involved - this determines who the person involved in the incident works for.
2. Employer Details - this allows details of the employer to be entered and recorded.
3. Employee Details - this allows details of the injured employee to be entered and recorded.
4. General Incident/Accident Details - this allows general details about the incident to be entered and recorded.
5. Initial Documentation - this allows initial important and required incident documentation to be uploaded.
6. Details of Injuries - this allows details of the injuries sustained to be entered and recorded.
7. Details of Property Damage - this allows details of any property damage to be entered and recorded (where it is relevant).
8. Contractor Confirmation - this section allows the contractor (Permit Requester) to confirm the identified safety measures are in place before work begins and for the client (Permit Issuer) to concur that they are in place.
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