What are the main important roles (parties) involved in the Permit to Work (PTW) system in OHS Online?
Yes, this is a very good question! There are a number of important roles included the PTW system and its workings. These are as follows:
1. Permit Requester (PR) - This should ideally be the contractor supervisor on-site, as this would be the person, representing the contractor who is at the 'coal-face' of the work being done, however, this may not always be true for every scenario, it could also be the main representative of the contractor.
2. Permit Issuer (PI) - This will usually be the client Contractor Controller; however, it could also be an alternative person representing the client, again, depending on the scenario.
3. Contractor Controller - This is the person who has been made responsible and appointed in writing by the client to manage and control contractors present on the client's site.
4. Responsible person (isolation) - This will be the person or persons who are responsible for general or specific installations, machinery or equipment present on the client's site, which may need to be accessed for work by the contractor. They would be the person(s) who would control the lockout-tagout process and authorise the reinstatement status on the installation, equipment or machinery being worked on.
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