Search Questions:

When creating a task to add to OHS Online, what format are the risks written in?

Now for the last part! The risk descriptions link to the hazard as well as the task title. The details are more specific in their description and include the possible outcomes, in the event the hazard occurs. The outcomes always list from the least severe to the most severe: 

Person makes contact with live electrical wires, leads or connections while using a splicing machine, resulting in electrical shock, 1st or 2nd degree burns, possible fatality 
Person makes contact with live electrical wires, leads or connections while using a splicing machine, resulting in electrical shock, 1st or 2nd degree burns, possible fatality Flammable battery acid from leaking battery makes contact with an ignition source or faulty charging of battery occurs while using a splicing machine, causing an uncontrolled fire or explosion, resulting in property damage up to R1,000 000, 1st, 2nd or 3rd degree burns, possible multiple fatalities 
Person makes contact with hot surfaces of splicing machine parts while using a splicing machine, resulting in 1st or 2nd degree burns