In OHS Online, how do I complete a concentration measurement type for a single component in the Measurement Details section in the vessel specific precautions section?
Ahh yes, recording concentration measurements! These can be a bit trickier because the contents being measured may be a single component (ethane gas) or they may be more than one component (a mixture of methane and air). When there is more than one component present in the contents, these can be potentially more dangerous and so each component may need to be measured to ensure that the contents are overall safe.
Let's look a single component measurement in this case. When the concentration measurement type is selected, readings are entered, which relate to the concentration of the single component contents in the vessel. These readings can be recorded in either parts per million (ppm) or percent (%) and should be at values safe for either exposure to persons working or where the likelihood of a fire or an explosion is remote, in order to ensure the work being done is safe.
The actual concentration measurement type looks as follows (using the percent concentration type as our example):
Once the initial details of the measurement type have been entered, the actual readings now need to be added. This is done by clicking on the ENTER READING VALUE button, which opens the readings section:
Once the instrument details have been entered, the actual readings need to be recorded. Each reading is recorded by entering the reading value in the Reading Value field and then clicking on the CAPTURE READING button. This process is repeated each time a reading needs to be recorded, until the reading values stabilise and show consistently at the desired measurement limit value. The recorded measurements will then display in a row underneath, with the newest reading always on the extreme left:
Once the reading values have stabilised below the maximum limit value and the readings indicate this stability, then the contractor and client can be confident that the concentration of the contents of the vessel are now at a level which is safe for work to continue.
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