Return of Earnings Submission 2022 for Workmen’s Compensation
SafetyWallet's Blog and Articles about Health and Safety compliance and other related topics.
Health and Safety Risk Assessments in the Workplace
It is essential to identify and assess potential health and safety risks and this process is known as a health and safety risk assessments in the workplace
Health and Safety Risk Control
Health and Safety Risk Control
Health and Safety for Body Corporates - Sectional Title
Sectional Title living has become increasingly popular over the past decade for various reasons, thus placing health and safety for sectional titles in the spotlight.
An overview on a Workplace Covid-19 Vaccination Policy for Employers
South Africa, much like many other countries in the world, has been caught in controversies relating to vaccine mandates, where there are parties for and against the mandate. While there are parties urging employers in South Africa not to apply this policy in the workplace, others are considering the Occupational Health and Safety Act, and the obligation that both employees and employers must ensure a healthy and safe workplace.
Mandatory Workplace Vaccinations
Several businesses in South Africa have already introduced Mandatory Vaccines in the Workplace.
The Importance of Applying First Aid at Home
First aid at Home and the importance of home first aid kits is an undervalued skill that many may consider unnecessary, especially today when emergency services are right around the corner.
Importance of First Aid in Preschools
It is the responsibility of adults to ensure that children are not exposed to choking hazards and the importance of First Aid in Preschools.
Responsibilities of a First Aider
Ensure that they provide adequate, appropriate first aid personnel, equipment, and facilities to ensure that all employees can receive immediate attention.