Office Health and Safety in 25 steps

It may be a common misconception that health and safety is only paramount in workplaces where there is interaction with manual labour and heavy machinery and not an office. However, office health and safety are as crucial as in any other workplace, in addition to being dictated by the Occupational Health and Safety Act, which holds employers responsible for health and safety of employees, contractors and visitors to the premises.

Posted date: 23rd Feb 2021

South Africa Education Departments Health and Safety requirements for schools

South Africa Education Departments Health and Safety requirements for schools Overview Health and Safety in schools is a factor which is taken extremely seriously by the Department of Basic Education. It is also an apex priority of the department and as result of this, there are various policies as well as measures which have been put in place to ensure the safety of all learners, educators, and relevant stakeholders in schools. Requirements as indicated by the Department of Education The Department has reiterated that there is no tolerance towards violence, drug-use and/or abuse, sexual harassment, and any other acts considered criminal, in schools as it poses a substantial barrier to learning. There is a significant focus on the inculcation of values as well as ethics along with a just and caring society within both schools and communities. The Department views any non-compliance in a serious light as such actions carry the potential of depriving learners of an inherent constitutional right to life, education, equality as well as dignity. There are numerous interventions which specifically focus on addressing the elements associated with physical infrastructure which includes adequate fencing, alarm systems, and burglar proofing. It also includes resilience-building programmes for young people as well as the strengthening of partnership with various stakeholders. There is a solid partnership between the Department and the South African Police Service (SAPS) which focuses on joining schools with local police-stations as well as the establishment of functional School Safety Committees. Schools are considered critical in the instilling of discipline and ensuring safety. It is for this reason that there is an emphasis on the Codes of Conduct for Learners at all public schools.

Posted date: 5th Apr 2022
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Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Audit Criteria for SafetyWallet

It is imperative for auditors to be qualified and certified as such, making it necessary to overview and explore the auditor criteria with regards to Occupational Health and Safety, specifically where SafetyWallet auditors are concerned. SafetyWallet is proud to say that they are registered as a corporate member and that SafetyWallet audits and support team is registered in their personal capacity as members with the South African Institute of Occupational Health and Safety (Saiosh) 

Posted date: 11th Feb 2021

How to conduct a health and safety audit

Purpose of a Health and Safety Audit A health and safety audit, also referred to as an OHS Audit, serves the purpose of assisting in the consistent and continuous improvement of an organisation’s OHS procedures and OHS programme. When an OHS Audit is conducted, it must: • Identify risks along with the level of risks within the workplace. • Identify any strengths as well as weaknesses in the OHS procedures and OHS programme. • Compare current documentation as well as practices against best practice, legal requirements, and SafetyWallet protocols. • Highlight and recommend any improvements to be made in OHS procedures and the OHS programme. • Ensure that adequate resources are available for effective OHS management, and • Ensure that resources which are devoted to health and safety are effectively implemented and used.

Posted date: 6th May 2022
Blogs - Compliance Audits - Latest Blogs

OHS Audits Simplified

Any employer must have a safety and health programme as part of its overall management system. This programme must be adequate, covering the following elements: The health and safety work organisation as well as policy in any company. The process involved with the planning for prevention of accidents and illnesses. Line management responsibilities towards OHS, and Practices, procedures, and resources for developing and implementing, reviewing as well as maintaining the occupational safety and health policies which are implemented. One of the easiest and most thorough ways to ensure that all of this is in place, is by conducting an OHS Audit, or by making use of SafetyWallet’s subscription, which is an all-encompassing package, of which a thorough OHS compliance audit forms a part.

Posted date: 2nd Feb 2021

Why health and safety compliance is important for employers

Health and Safety Compliance refers to the means of conforming to a rule, either a specification, policy, or a standard and/or law. Regulatory compliance, more specifically, describes an organization’s goal in ensuring that they are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws, policies, and regulations.

Posted date: 12th Apr 2022
Blogs - Health-and-Safety-Compliance-Audit - Latest Blogs

14 Health and Safety Compliance must haves

14 Health and safety compliance must-haves Importance of Health and Safety Compliance Simply defined, health and safety compliance means abiding by the Occupational Health and Safety Act. A list of compliance must-haves ensures more employees' safety and their return to their loved ones at the end of each working day, under South African work environment. Health and Safety compliance serves the purpose of implementing, promoting, and maintaining the highest degree of physical, mental, and social well-being of all employees in the organisation. It also serves the purpose of preventing adverse health issues, illnesses, injuries, and death which can arise from working conditions and the work environment. There are numerous businesses that rely on internal processes to ensure health and safety compliance. However, the gold standard is to obtain assistance from health and safety consultants like MAKROSAFE in the meeting, and overcoming, the challenges which are faced to ensure an adequate health and safety management system is in place.  Once employer have taken the necessary steps to ensure that the workplace is both healthy and safety, they also have the duty of further promoting and maintaining these high health and safety standards that have been achieved. Workplace health and Safety compliance also serves the purpose of equipping employees in the workplace with the necessary skills and abilities to safeguard their own health and safety. Thus, it is imperative for employers to ensure that their employees receive the necessary training. Health and safety compliance are not optional, it is compulsory by law. It is for this reason that the Department of Labour enforces it through numerous Acts such as the Occupational Health and Safety Act.

Posted date: 2nd Feb 2021
Blogs - Health-and-Safety-Compliance-Audit