Why is a Health and Safety Risk Assessment Important?

Why is a Health and Safety Risk Assessment Important? Overview The purpose of a risk assessment is that it serves as management tool which helps employers ensure that they provide a healthy and safe environment in which employees work, which is a legal obligation that employers have as according to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993. Hazards and Risks There is a distinct difference between a hazard and a risk, and it is imperative that the two are not confused. A hazard can be described as something which has the potential to cause harm to the health, safety, or wellbeing of an employee, visitor to the site, or anyone else who may be affected by operations. A risk is the likelihood that an incident, injury, or an accident will occur as result of exposure to a hazard, or a combination of hazards.  Risks are categorised according to the potential harm or the adverse health effect that a hazard may have along with the number of times that employees may be exposed and the number of employees who are exposed.

Posted date: 13th Apr 2021
Blogs - Health-and-Safety-Risk-Assessment

Health and Safety Risk Assessment – Part 2

A health and safety risk assessment can simply be defined as a process which involves the identification of hazards and risks, the analysing and evaluation thereof, and determining the best way to control or eliminate the risk. A health and safety risk assessment is a crucial part of any effective occupational health and safety management plan. When an effective health and safety risk assessment is conducted, hazards and risks can be uncovered and the people who are most likely to be at risk can be identified and safeguarded.

Posted date: 8th Apr 2021
Blogs - Health-and-Safety-Risk-Assessment

Health and Safety Risk Assessment – Part 1

What is a Risk Assessment? A health and safety risk assessment is a term which is used to describe an overall process involving: The identification of hazards as well as risk factors which have the potential to cause harm. The analysing and evaluation of the risk associated with that hazard. Determining the appropriate way to control the risk if the hazard cannot be eliminated. A health and safety risk assessment is a crucial part of any effective occupational health and safety management plan

Posted date: 8th Apr 2021
Blogs - Health-and-Safety-Risk-Assessment

Health and Safety Risk Assessment-Legal Requirements

Health and Safety Risk Assessment – Legal Requirements Is a Risk Assessment a legal requirement? Whether an employer runs a large, medium, or small organisation, or whether they are a sole trader, they must ensure that they are consistently compliant with the relevant laws that dictate their industry and trade. The necessary health and safety protocols must be followed and often there may be questions asked regarding risk assessments. Is a risk assessment a legal requirement? The short answer is yes. It is a legal requirement; however, it does not have to be a tedious, time-consuming exercise.

Posted date: 28th Apr 2021
Blogs - Health-and-Safety-Risk-Assessment

COID - Government Notice R.106 of 2021

(G.G. 44250 of 10/03/2021) DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYMENT AND LABOUR COMPENSATION FOR OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES AND DISEASES ACT , 1993 ( ACT 130 OF 1993 as amended by Act 61 of 1997) NOTICE ON THE REGISTRATION OF DOMESTIC WORKER EMPLOYERS IN TERMS OF SECTION 80 OF THE COMPENSATION FOR OCCUPATIONAL INJURIES AND DISEASE ACT AS AMENDED. I, Vuyo Mafata, in my capacity as the Compensation Fund Commissioner and acting in terms of Section 6A(b), hereby publish the information on the inclusion of domestic employees under the Act , their benefits and the registration of domestic employers in terms of Section 80 of the stated Act and for the registration of claims by domestic employers in terms of section 39 of the stated Act .

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Posted date: 0th 0000

Health and Safety Practices for a Contractor or Supplier

Health and Safety Practices for a Contractor or Supplier Overview The Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993 places responsibility on the employer to ensure that a safe and healthy work environment is provided and maintained, without risk to the health of workers. Health and safety, however, is the responsibility of all employees, not only the employer or the employee alone. There are, however, health and safety practices for a contractor and/or supplier, which demands compliance. Contractors and suppliers must comply with the following:

Posted date: 22nd Mar 2021
Blogs - Contractors-Management

Contractors Health and Safety Legal Appointments

Contractors Health and Safety Legal Appointments Overview In ensuring that a workplace remains healthy and safe, there are certain health and safety legal appointments required by a contractor. Every person in the workplace has a responsibility towards adopting safe working practices, wearing their PPE, complying with policies, standards, and rules, reporting unsafe conditions and acts, and numerous others. There are, however, also certain persons who must be appointed in writing, with their legal responsibilities and duties indicated on their letter of appointment. The following are legal appointments which are made by the client in terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993:

Posted date: 22nd Mar 2021
Blogs - Contractors-Management