What is Occupational Health and Safety for all employers, including contractors and suppliers in South Africa?

What is occupational health and safety for all employers, including contractors and suppliers in South Africa? The answer may seem obvious, but the field concerned with Occupational Health and Safety, is one which is truly diverse, and it presents some level of complexity. In simple terms, it relates to everything including laws, regulations, programmes, and procedures, which are concerned with the health, safety, and the wellbeing of employees while they are at work.

Posted date: 13th Mar 2021

Employer’s health and safety responsibilities in South Africa towards suppliers, contractors, and visitors?

Employers, as according to the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85 of 1993, have a duty towards ensuring that employees and any visitors to the premises are safeguarded against hazards and risks. In addition to these duties, there are regulations which deal with hazards for industries that feature high risks.

Posted date: 13th Mar 2021

Step-by-step guide to build a Health and Safety Site File

Without a health and safety file, contractors working on sites in South Africa face severe criminal offenses along with numerous costly liabilities which result from damages as well as hazards on work sites. Many companies may not know what to include in their health and safety files, and for this reason it is crucial to provide a step-by-step guide to build a health and safety site file.

Posted date: 13th Mar 2021

Employer’s (Client’s) guide to compiling a health and safety site file

A safety file may be either an employer’s worst enemy, which is a general misconception, or an employer’s best friend in some of the worst situations. Proof of evidence is one of the most crucial parts of a business’ Occupational Health and Safety Management System. It is also the best defence where liability and vicarious liability is concerned.

Posted date: 13th Mar 2021