The Role of Behaviour-Based Safety (BBS) and Mindset Evolution Schema (MES) in Health and Safety in South Africa
Latest Blogs
SafetyWallet's Blog and Articles about Health and Safety compliance and other related topics.
The Importance of Health and Safety E-Learning
The Importance of Health and Safety E-Learning Training for Employees in South Africa
Support World Mental Health Day 2024
World Mental Health Day 2024: Prioritising Mental Health in South African Workplaces
Investing in Health and Safety
Investing in Health and Safety: A Prudent Business Decision for South African Companies
Safe Handling of Nanomaterials
Safe Handling of Nanomaterials – Health risks associated with nanotechnology and how to manage them.
Occupational Health and Safety - OHS 101
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) 101: A Practical Guide for South African Small Businesses
From Risk Assessment to Action
From Risk Assessment to Action: Creating a Safer Workplace Under the OHS Act
The Impact of noise on mental health and productivity.
Noise Pollution in Offices – Impact of noise on mental health and productivity.
The Vital Importance of Safety Data Sheets
The Vital Importance of Safety Data Sheets in South African Workplaces: Ensuring Safety, Compliance, and Preparedness