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In OHS Online, what is the difference between an inspection checklist before an inspection and after an inspection has been done?

This is a good question! Once an inspection has been conducted and the data uploaded onto OHS Online, the inspection checklist is changed by the updated data. In addition to the obvious changes to questions, other changes take place in the inspection checklist page. Let's take a closer look at the inspection checklists to see what changes take place:

The first noticeable change which occurs with the inspection checklist, following its inspection, is the change in some of the buttons controlling the checklist. Some buttons now disappear while new ones appear. The reason for this is that now that the inspection has been completed, the actions a user may wish to take differ:

The second noticeable change which occurs with the checklist, after the inspection, is the change in status, which you will now see shows a 'Posted' status stamped against it. This is to indicate to the user viewing the checklist, that the inspection has been completed and its data updated:

The last noticeable change which occurs with the checklist, following its inspection, is the change in the inspection questions themselves, which now reflect the data of the inspection.