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Why do I have to check the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) first before checking the list options in the PPE and Safety Equipment Required section of the PPE tab, in OHS Online? Why can

That's an interesting question! The answer is that there's nothing stopping you from simply checking YES to the items. However, if you do this, you are taking a huge risk to yourself in the event that an incident occurs which ties back to this PTW aspect.If you do not take the time to make the proper checks of the PPE and safety equipment and an incident occurs where the PPE you checked View Full Answer

    PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Tab Workings

    PPE Tab

    What are the basic components of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) tab, in OHS Online?

    Great stuff, we're making good progress in our PTW! That's awesome! Okay, so once the basic the PTW risk assessment has been completed, the next thing to do is to identify the PPE and associated safety equipment control measures required, as per the PTW risk assessment. The PPE tab (section 4) is where all this safety equipment is selected as controls. It consists of two parts:1. PPE an View Full Answer

      PPE Tab

      How do I complete the PPE and Safety Equipment Required section of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) tab, in OHS Online?

      Absolutely! Let's take a look at this section more closely. It consists of two fields and a check list option:Field 1 displays tasks which have been included in the risk assessment, in the previous tab. These display because each task has required PPE controls associated with it in order to control its overall risks.Field 2 is a drop-down field, from which different PPE or sa View Full Answer

        PPE Tab

        How do I complete the Contractor Confirmation section of the PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) tab, in OHS Online?

        Ah yes! The Contractor Confirmation section. This is a very important section because it is where the Permit Requester confirms that the required safety precautions are in place and confirms this formally. This is important because in the event of an incident occurring, this section helps to confirm that from a precautionary nature, the relative safety precautions were in place prior to View Full Answer