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How do the helpfiles work for SafetyWallet and OHS Online?

A very important question! The helpfiles here are provided as your first source of reference in helping you and guiding you through the various parts and aspects of both SafetyWallet and its supporting OHS Online software.When the Help icon is selected in either SafetyWallet or OHS Online, a pop-up window will appear with the main basic topics of both systems and a search function, for View Full Answer


    What happens if I can't find the question I want under the SafetyWallet helpfile topic?

    Ah, a good question! The SafetyWallet questions are directly aimed at helping you with SafetyWallet-specific workings. However, in some cases, these may overlap with OHS Online workings, which focus on 'how-to-do-things', so there is a fair chance that the question will be found in the OHS Online topic instead. In these cases, try the OHS Online topic and its main sections to View Full Answer


      In the SafetyWallet and OHS Online helpfile questions, what do the coloured flashes mean in the questions?

      Aha, good question! You will find out, as you use the helpfile questions, that they are described in a conversational tone, which is intended to make explanations a bit easier to follow. In order to assist with this, coloured flashes have been used in images to add explanations. In doing so, each flash colour represents a general tone or explanation to the questions. These colours are d View Full Answer