7 Reasons Why Health and Safety E-Learning Training is Important


The provision of relevant information and training in any organization is imperative to ensure Health and Safety Compliance throughout the entire structure. Every employee must know how to work safely and without risk to themselves, their health, and that of others.

This is not only applicable to the employees of the organization but applies to contractors and self-employed persons entering the workplace as well. Employees must receive clear and concise instructions and information along with adequate training.

When providing training, organizations need to keep in mind training needs such as newly employed persons, employees changing positions or taking on more responsibilities, and more.

When considering E-Learning training versus that of traditional training, it is quite clear that E-Learning is one of the most effective ways through which employees can be trained as it holds numerous benefits for both the organization and the employees.

Such benefits include:

  1. It is cost-effective.
  2. It reduces the learning time.
  3. Information is retained more effectively.
  4. It is accessible.
  5. Employees have consistent access to key resources.
  6. It guarantees a risk-free environment and simulation to test training.
  7. It allows for collaboration.
  8. It provides employees with more flexibility.
  9. It promotes scalability.
  10. It provides timely feedback needed to evaluate results, identify gaps, and act on it promptly to rectify shortcomings.
  11. Ensures consistency and standardization.
  12. Reduces environmental impact, saves on resources uses, and more.

7 Reasons Why Health and Safety E- Learning is important

Why is Health and Safety E-Learning important?

1.  Health and Safety is a legal requirement

Health and Safety compliance is not an option, it is mandatory along with the provision of efficient training that will ensure compliance with numerous South African standards, regulations, and legislation along with providing a safe and healthy working environment.

It is the lawful duty of both employers and employees to take reasonable and practical steps to ensure that there exists health and safety in the workplace, and that it is effectively maintained as far as reasonably practicable.

In failing to comply with such laws and regulations, employers and employees may face detrimental consequences in addition to risking the lives and wellbeing of employees and any other persons who enter an unsafe workplace.

In the long-run such incidents may lead to the compromising of livelihood of employees and it can impact not only them, but their families along with threatening the financial security of organizations and it may even lead to criminal prosecution and bankruptcy.

2.  Risks are present in any workplace

Despite the nature of business of the organization, there are unique hazards associated with any workplace and environment. Even with work environments such as offices, there are still risks present that may lead to incidents, injury, and even death.

Complacency must be avoided and in making use of E-Learning and using it to constantly keep employees aware of the hazards and risks involved, organizations can manage such hazards and risks more effectively.

It is not possible to guarantee a workplace that will be completely void of risks, but it is however possible to monitor and mitigate such. It is not an end goal, but a consistent journey that requires continuous monitoring and managing thereof.

3.  Health and Safety E-Learning increases efficiency

In an ever-evolving world where operations are fast-pace, it may seem like a tedious task to consistently ensure Health and Safety practices.

For this reason, it is imperative to make use of E-Learning, such as provided by organizations such as SafetyWallet, in addition to all that it has to offer with regards to Health and Safety compliance, to create a safety culture.

In providing continuous and consistent access to learning material which can be accessed from anywhere, it creates an avenue which can be followed in learning and revisited as a point of reference to ensure ongoing Health and Safety compliance.

4.  E-Learning and Health and Safety training reduces costs

One of the main advantages associated with E-Learning is that it saves organizations a substantial amount of money as it eliminates the need for travel, accommodation, the hiring of training venues and facilities, and more.

In addition, members of SafetyWallet who make use of the E-Learning resources provided consisting of 36 Health and Safety courses, can do so free of charge.

When ensuring that Health and Safety compliance is fulfilled and making use of SafetyWallet’s services and solutions, it plays a vital role in reducing further costs.

Health and Safety compliance not only increases productivity, but it also helps organisations decrease indirect costs as operations. When operations are streamlined less time is spent on individual tasks which increases the efficiency of working hours.

When workers are injured or become ill, whether minorly or fatal, it can have detrimental effects on operations. By ensuring Health and Safety compliance and providing adequate and effective training, this can efficiently be minimized.

5.  It helps to create a Safe Company Culture

When organisations have strong Health and Safety policies in place, it helps build strong relationships with employees especially when employees can work in a safe and healthy environment.

Employees who receive the required training and support from their employers are less likely to seek other work opportunities and tend to be more satisfied in their work, which increases productivity and helps to create a consistent Health and Safety Culture.

6.  It raises the Company Profile

In ensuring Health and Safety compliance through training, organisations become more favourable in bids for projects and contracts due to their strong record associated with Health and Safety.

Compliance in Health and Safety allows organizations to achieve high recognition and good standing in the industry.

In making use of SafetyWallet’s unique offer, organizations are assisted and supported in all matters relating to Health and Safety and in addition, SafetyWallet further assists its members with marketing efforts such as:

  • SafetyWallet and OHS Online Search Engine Optimisation, or SEO, Keywords.
  • Awareness of Contractor and Supplier Compliance and Rewards Awareness.
  • Email campaigns.
  • Analysing of analytics and data to improve campaigns.
  • Referrals and networking.
  • Branding, and more.

7.  There are more advantages and no disadvantages

When taking into considerations all the reasons pertaining to why Health and Safety training, especially that of E-Learning and how it is more effective than traditional training, into account, organisations stand nothing to lose in making use of it.

Health and Safety E-training holds numerous benefits for both employees and employers, and it has the capacity to unite both employers and employees while in pursuit of a common goal, which is the creation of a safe and healthy workplace.

The benefits derived from maintaining a strong Health and Safety policy and programme far outweigh the costs of maintaining it.

Health and Safety training and E-Learning should not be considered a barrier that may deter success, but as an effective, logical step towards solid business standards.

Such standards should never be considered merely as an after-though, but the main fundamentals which promote and secure the success of an organisation by taking care of its most important asset, its employees.


My Safety Shop


Posted date: 13th Aug 2020