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Accessing OHS Online


How do I login to OHS Online?

Nice question! Whenever you login to OHS Online there are always two parts to the process. Firstly, you need to login to OHS Online and then, once you are logged in, you need to select your profile details. Let's look at logging in first.Enter the address;, in your web address field in your web browser. The following webpage will open, where View Full Answer

    Adding Data in OHS Online


    Why is it important to add data into OHS Online?

    Ahh, you've raised a very important point here! In fact, it's a fundamental which will determine how much you get out of using OHS online. OHS Online is a powerful database for your health and safety, however it is only as powerful as the data it contains. The power to use the data is already there, present in the design of OHS Online. You, as the user, have to add the data to it, to ma View Full Answer

      Sections in OHS Online


      How do I open the Client section in OHS Online?

      Okay, you want to check out your profile details! No problems! Simply, find the Client option in the Option Menu at the top of your OHS Online page and select it. When you select the Client option, a short drop-down list will appear, displaying two options; Branches and Clients. Select the Branches option to update details about the branch and the Clients option to update client options View Full Answer