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Adding an Existing Task to the Risk Assessment

Creating a New Task to the Risk Assessment

Creating a Risk Assessment

How do I add my newly created task to my risk assessment?

Right-ho, no problems! Once you've created your new task, OHS Online places it in the task library. You will need to find the new task in the task library to add it to your risk assessment. Click on the green Add Task Wizard button, to open the task library and use the search function, entering the keyword of your new task to locate it. Once found, you can add this to your risk assessment. View Full Answer

    Working With Risks in the Risk Assessment

    Creating a Risk Assessment

    How does OHS Online quantify a task overall?

    That's a very good question! OHS Online quantifies an overall task according to 'worst case scenario', that is to say according to the most harmful hazard it has associated to it (the highest risk). If we look at the task we inserted, 'Using a Ladder', we can see that the Risk Rating of the task has been valued at 8 (Possible Risk). A lot of the hazards, associated to the task are View Full Answer

      Creating a Risk Assessment

      How do I quantify my identified hazards and their risks for a task in OHS Online?

      Ah, yes, quantifying risks! Now we start to get to the heart of the matter! Okay, so quantifying risks in OHS Online is very straightforward. You will need to open the task page which lists all the hazards associated with the task, as well as their associated risks. To the right of the risk description, you will find a series of boxes which contain values, defaulted to zero: View Full Answer

        Creating a Risk Assessment

        How do I prioritise my tasks, according to their Risk Ratings, in OHS Online?

        A great question! There's also a really great answer to this too, one you're going to like! You don't have to! Yes, that's right, you don't have to because OHS Online does it for you! Isn't that cool! As you add tasks to the Task Inventory, OHS Online automatically places these in order of priority, from highest risk to lowest risk, so you can straight away see which are the most import View Full Answer