Target Audience
Introduction General Driving Safety e-Learning Training Course
This course provides some background to workplace transport safety in addition to health and safety in general. In the context of this course, it is imperative that the candidate understands the responsibility of the employer, and legal obligations, to take steps to keep workers and members of the public safe.
There should be appropriate policies and procedures in place to ensure safety when employees drive a work-provided vehicle or drive their own vehicle to work.
The employer must ensure that employees are adequately equipped with the proper training and information to operate vehicles safely.
There should be systems in place to ensure that Driving for Work activities are road safety compliant. Employers cannot directly control roadway conditions, but employees can be sent for training, such as this, to promote and influence safe driving behaviour and actions.
Aim of the General Driving Safety e-Learning Training Course
To teach the candidate about the risks involved not only for drivers, but for fellow workers and members of the public as well, such as pedestrians and other road users.
Candidates are made aware of the cost implications to a business as result of accidents, including:
- Repairing or replacing damaged capital
- Loss of or damage to goods
- Insurance costs
- Compensation payments
- Legal costs
- Costs related to loss of productivity due to an accident
- Loss of production efficiency
- Damaged reputation
- Damaged employee morale
- Resulting costs to customers where just-in-time logistic processes are used, and more.
This course outlines the purposes of safe driving, keeping a vehicle in good working condition, and ensuring that the candidate is familiar with driving in different weather conditions.
To provide candidates with knowledge of safe driving principles and safety when dealing with unexpected driving, vehicle, and road condition challenges. In context of this course, the candidate will be familiarized with information driving under different conditions, including:
- Variable lighting and visibility conditions
- The driving of front and rear wheel vehicles
- Driving under different road conditions, and
- Driving different transmission systems.
This course contains good safe driving tips along with information on vehicle safety inspections. In addition, this course includes the management of maintaining of risks associated with:
- Driving activities
- Vehicles on site, and
- Driving under different road conditions, and
- The main kind of accidents resulting from people being struck by or run over by a vehicle, people being struck by something falling from a vehicle, people falling from vehicles, and vehicles overturning.
Course Outcome of the General Driving Safety e-Learning Training
Upon completion of this course, the candidate will be able to:
- Demonstrate basic knowledge of responsibility for transport safety management and how it is arranged along with the importance of accountability.
- Understand the principles of driving safely and the consequences that may be derived from transport activities.
Key Content Covered
The content of this course is aimed at ensuring that safe driving practices are followed not in and around the workplace, but in any environment outside of the workplace, whether employees are using company transport or their own.
The content covered in this course pertains to the following:
- The identification of Safety, Health, and Environmental hazards which includes safety responsibilities in the job description of employees and contractors’ contracts pertaining to safe driving practices.
- Evaluation of potential hazards and implementation of required processes to promote safe driving by including safety issues and responsibilities in the information, instruction, and training provided.
- Fundamental understanding of the types of driving conditions that employees may be exposed to and knowing how to perform a hazard assessment to determine the safe actions to be taken.
- Uses and principles of duty to care in managing all transportation operations, identify the most common impacts that poor driving skills, poor or incomplete policies and procedures may have on employees.
The candidate attending the course will be assessed against the outcomes of each element through the completion of a subscribed knowledge assessment. The assessment will cover the essential embedded knowledge as stipulated in the course and will ensure that the candidate can apply the learning to a working situation.
Conditions of enrolment and certification
To gain access to this training program, it is mandatory that the employer subscribe to the SafetyWallet membership subscription so that the learner can enrol to any of the Health and Safety e-Learning training programmes. Attending candidates must obtain a pass mark of at least 75% or higher is necessary in each Modular Assessment. Should these conditions have been met, the candidate will receive an accredited Certificate of Completion.
Register and book your course via My Safety Shop

Other Training Availible
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