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SW FAQs General

How do I login to my SafetyWallet profile?

Ah, yes, where to begin? Logging on to your SafetyWallet profile is very easy. You should have received an email with your logon details already. You have! Excellent! Click on the link in the email, which will take you to the SafetyWallet homepage. If you don't have the link, here it is for you: on the Login option on the option menu and the following View Full Answer

    SW FAQs General

    I’ve forgotten my password to access my SafetyWallet dashboard! What do I do now?

    Yes, we've all done that at one time or another! Don't worry though, it's all good! Simply go to the SafetyWallet homepage to get yourself sorted out. If you don't have the address, here it is: Once you're there, enter your email address in the username field and then click on the Lost Password link. Your login details will be emailed to you: View Full Answer

      SW FAQs General

      When I login to my SafetyWallet Dashboard, it's grey and I can't access anything. Why is this?

      Ahh, yes, that may seem frustrating! However, there is a simple reason for this and that is the fact you have not had an audit performed yet. So, in the same way you are frustrated, SafetyWallet is also frustrated because it can't get busy helping you improve your health and safety because there is no information for it to work with. You need to have your audit performed first and then View Full Answer


        Oh cool! So, I can change my rewards simply by selecting from one of the options in the status drop-downs?

        Unfortunately, no! It's not that easy! The SafetyWallet Reward button shows you the other membership options and their rewards. To change this and get more rewards, you would have to upgrade your membership. The Compliance Reward button shows you the rewards you can get, depending on your compliance status. To change this and get more rewards, you would have to fix audit findings to improve your c View Full Answer


          (Google Chrome) When I try to run an action in SafetyWallet nothing happens. What is wrong?

          Okay, that sounds like it might be your web security protecting you from unwanted pop-ups! What you need to do here is to allow your browser to accept pop-ups from the SafetyWallet website. To do this, you will need to go into your web browser settings. Let's show you how to do this in Google Chrome.Open up your Google Chrome web browser. Click on the burger menu (three dots) in the top View Full Answer


            (Mozilla Firefox) When I try to run an action in SafetyWallet nothing happens. What is wrong?

            Okay, that sounds like it might be your web security protecting you from unwanted pop-ups! What you need to do here is to allow your browser to accept pop-ups from the SafetyWallet website. To do this, you will need to go into your web browser settings. Let's show you how to do this in Mozilla Firefox.Open up your Mozilla Firefox web browser. Click on the burger menu (three horizontal l View Full Answer


              I have contractors who I use on an Service Level Agreement (SLA) basis. How would this work in SafetyWallet?

              No problems! Simply submit the first tax invoice to us for verification. On confirmation, this will start the rewards period for that contractor. Then, in the last month of the year period, submit your latest tax invoice from the contractor. Once verified, the rewards period will reset to a new year, dated from the invoice date. There is no need to submit invoices monthly. View Full Answer


                What happens if I want to vet a contractor who

                Good question! You can still put forward a non- SafetyWallet contractor for vetting. What will happen is the contractor will be placed in a listing, a sort of limbo. We would then like to contact the contractor and get them enrolled on SafetyWallet too, so we can help them with their health and safety and provide them with an opportunity to enjoy our rewards. The moment the contractor becomes a me View Full Answer


                  That seems a bit unfair!

                  Not really! While it might seem unfair, it forms part of our strategy to improve health and safety in South Africa, improving contractor compliance in the workplace. By encouraging contractors to join SafetyWallet we can help improve compliancy in the workplace and improve the likelihood of ensuring all employees in the country go home safely to their loved ones. View Full Answer


                    Is there anything I can do to help?

                    Absolutely! You can insist that all your contractors become SafetyWallet members. Encourage them to join or get them to contact us to find out more. By improving the compliancy of contractors in the country, you can have the peace of mind that contractors selected from SafetyWallet will be safer in their operations, meaning a lessor likelihood of you experiencing a serious incident due to contract View Full Answer


                      If a health and safety audit doesn’t fix my compliance with health and safety legislation, why, as a SafetyWallet member, should I do it?

                      That's a good question! There is a good reason why as well; actually, there are a couple of good reasons why. Firstly, the audit questions are linked directly to legislation so an audit establishes exactly where you stand with regards to health and safety. Knowing where you are (whether it's good or it's bad), allows you to determine a plan of action and thereby take constructive action to fix thi View Full Answer


                        Yes, health and safety audits are often very complicated and overwhelming, so how does the audit in SafetyWallet help me?

                        Well, it doesn't exactly but what it does do is provide the context as to why health and safety is the way it is. Now for the good news; we've taken all of the red tape, placed it into our audit and created a simplified way to explain the outcome in a way that makes sense to you. If it's easier to understand, it's easier to fix! Now all that hard work just got easier! View Full Answer


                          In SafetyWallet, what is the difference between closing a finding when a member does the work to closing a finding when Makrosafe does the work?

                          Nice question! When Makrosafe completes the work on behalf of a member, to resolve a finding, the finding will be closed by Makrosafe upon completion of the work. When a member completes the work to resolve a finding, the finding cannot be closed by the member. It can only be closed once the work done has been verified by Makrosafe. Once verified, Makrosafe will close the finding. View Full Answer


                            What is the difference between a desktop verification and a physical verification?

                            A desktop verification means the actions you've taken to improve your health and safety can be confirmed on the OHS Online system. Any charge made will be purely for the time taken to verify the action on the system. A physical verification means the action you've taken requires a practitioner to come out and make a site inspection to verify the health and safety actions taken. Any charge will inc View Full Answer


                              What do the three values, 0.70, 0.20 and 0.10 mean in the SafetyWallet health and safety audit report?

                              Another good question! Each type of legislation is weighted differently, based on its importance. Acts are the driving legislation so they have the highest importance (and greatest consequences) so they represent 0.70 of your compliance score. Regulations have a 0.20 weighting and Standards and Bylaws a 0.10 weighting.The weighting now ties back to the bar graphs. Now when you look at t View Full Answer


                                In the SafetyWallet health and safety audit report, the bar graphs have two colours; red and green. What do these mean?

                                Sure, happy to do so! As the graphs show, green means compliance and red means risk. The greener your graphs are the more compliant you are to health and safety legislation. The redder your graphs are the greater risk your business is exposed to, with regards to health and safety legislation. So, remember, 'GREEN is GREAT and RED is RISKY!' View Full Answer


                                  I see there’s another list in the SafetyWallet health and safety audit report. What does this one mean?

                                  Don't get concerned! This list is simply showing you what legislation is not applicable to your workplace. It's there as reference between audit cycles which creates a form of transparency. We don't know what will happen in your business, you may expand operations or move premises, which results in legislation previously not applicable to now being applicable: Show View Full Answer

                                    Your Dashboard Details

                                    Why does the SafetyWallet Dashboard 'grey-out' now and again?

                                    Ahh, yes, this happens when an audit is due immediately or is overdue and it has not been done. It is the system's way of saying either an initial audit needs to be conducted or an annual review audit needs to be conducted.To fix this problem, check the orange Request Audit which appears on your Dashboard at this time, to check what your audit will cost. In most cases, the price should be very aff View Full Answer

                                      Your Dashboard Details

                                      Why does SafetyWallet grey-out my Dashboard?

                                      SafetyWallet greys-out your dashboard because your annual review audit is overdue and has not been performed. An annual audit review of your health and safety system is important to continually check health and safety compliance. A year is a suitable checking period as this period also allows changes in the workplace or changes in general legislation or even changes in legislation affec View Full Answer

                                        My Compliance Rating

                                        I’m confused! On my dashboard in SafetyWallet, I have two compliance values. What’s the difference between audit and potential compliance?

                                        Sure, no problems! These are two important questions! The idea here is that you can see your current compliance rating and then get an idea of what your improved compliance rating would look like when you take actions to fixing your findings, before you actually fix them.So, let's look at this more closely by starting on the left-hand side with the Current Audit Co View Full Answer

                                          My Compliance Rating

                                          When I select a category on my SafetyWallet dashboard, why doesn’t my current audit compliance value change?

                                          Remember, this is your current compliance value. You haven't done any actual work yet to resolve those findings. At the moment, you are testing possible strategies (solutions) to fixing some of your findings and improving your compliance rating (and workplace health and safety). Clicking on a button doesn't fix your health and safety but it does help you plan a way to fixing your health and safety View Full Answer

                                            My Compliance Rating

                                            On my SafetyWallet dashboard, what do the ‘boxes’ on the left of the compliance gauge mean?

                                            These 'boxes' are here to act as guides, providing information to you which can help you as you work on improving your health and safety. In the case of the left-hand boxes, they provide information on the rough amount of effort required to resolve the findings, as well as an approximate time it will take to resolve the findings, based on the category or categories selected: View Full Answer

                                              My Compliance Rating

                                              On my SafetyWallet dashboard, what do the ‘boxes’ on the right of the compliance gauge mean?

                                              As with the 'boxes' on the left, the right-hand 'boxes' are also guiding, providing you with information which can help you as you work on improving your health and safety. In their case, they briefly explain the Potential Compliance information and also how your SafetyWallet Compliance status can improve your rewards as you take actions to resolve the findings: View Full Answer

                                                Increase My Compliance

                                                On my SafetyWallet dashboard, you compare a category to a type of filter. How does that work?

                                                Yes, a filter! A really cool one which takes all the hard work out of understanding all that complicated legislative audit jargon. It's really quite simple; all of your findings from your Audit Report are filtered into one of the 25 categories and all you do is choose the category you want to find the findings you want. Incidentally, these details will also correspond to the Action Requests (ARs) View Full Answer

                                                  Increase My Compliance

                                                  When I click on a category on my dashboard in SafetyWallet, why do all these different things happen?

                                                  The first thing to remember is, don't worry about these changes! These things are all designed to help you. When you select a category, your findings are highlighted (filtered) to help make them easier to understand and to help you to keep them in focus. At the same time, your compliance rating value is adjusted on your Compliance Gauge, allowing you to see just how much your View Full Answer

                                                    Increase My Compliance

                                                    So, I can click on more than one category at the same time, on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                    Yes, you can. If you really want to, you can click on all the categories! But this is not very helpful though because it just opens all the filters and reveals all of your findings in the Guidelines Section.The purpose of clicking on a category is to determine all of the findings you have of a particular type and how they can improve your compliance so you can then focus on f View Full Answer

                                                      Increase My Compliance

                                                      Why would I want to click on more than one category at the same time, on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                      A good question! And the answer is very simple; you may want to put a strategic plan into place to improve your compliance rating to a certain point or by so much. Let's say you want to improve your compliance by 20%. How do you know how to do that?This is where the Category option, the Guidelines Section and Compliance Gauge work together to help you. They allow y View Full Answer

                                                        Increase My Compliance

                                                        On my SafetyWallet dashboard, do I have to work on the categories in the order in which they are displayed, when fixing findings?

                                                        No, not at all! The categories are numbered and are generally arranged in a logical order which would be used to fix health and safety concerns but there is no rule which forces you to fix them in a particular order.The idea of the categories is to place the audit findings in a simpler format which allows, you, the user to understand them better. This allows you to strategise and determ View Full Answer

                                                          Increase My Compliance

                                                          When I’m working with my category selections on my SafetyWallet dashboard, can I leave my selections open (still active) and logout of SafetyWallet?

                                                          Yes, you can but it's not advisable to do so! The main reason being that, if you forget what you've done and login at a later date, you may be confused by what your Dashboard is telling you.Let's explain this briefly in more detail. Whenever you select items in your Dashboard, such as your categories, SafetyWallet assumes you are going to follow these through to an order. If you do noth View Full Answer

                                                            Guidelines To Strategise

                                                            How do I fix my findings, using my SafetyWallet dashboard and how does the guidelines section help me?

                                                            Before we go further to explaining this, you first have a choice to make; will you take action yourself to fix your findings? Or, do you want assistance fixing these findings? The choice is yours! Either way, the Guidelines Section of your SafetyWallet will help you!While you think about that, let's look more closely at the Guidelines section to understand it better; next to each findin View Full Answer

                                                              Guidelines To Strategise

                                                              So, if I need your help to fix my findings, how would the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard help me?

                                                              No problems, we've got your back here! You want to fix things and improve your health and safety and we want to help you! Don't worry, even though we may help you, you will still get your reward increases; they are based on your compliance rating, not on who does the work. So, breathe easy, help is only a click away (almost)! Let's see how the Guidelines Section is View Full Answer

                                                                Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                So, if I wanted to fix my findings myself, how would the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard help me?

                                                                So, you're going to fix some findings yourself, that's awesome! We want you to get 'hands-on' and fix things yourself. That way all we have to do is reward you for your efforts. The rest takes care of itself then, cool!When you do the work yourself, the way you use the Guidelines section changes; all the costing fields can be ignored, as you do not need these. You View Full Answer

                                                                  Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                  In my SafetyWallet Dashboard page, when I scroll down to my Summary section, there are lines displayed already, even though I have not chosen anything.

                                                                  Oh, yes, don't worry, it's an easy mistake to make! What's happened is that you've not deselected options you will have selected when you previously opened your Dashboard. It's important to remember that whenever you select items in your Dashboard, such as findings you want to fix, if you do nothing to action them, you need to deselect them. SafetyWallet does not automatically deselect View Full Answer

                                                                    Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                    How do the quantity and costing fields work on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                    Okay, so immediately next to the section title is a quantity field, defaulted to a unit. Next to this field is the unit cost field, displaying the cost of that single unit. This is designed like this because often (not always), there is more than one unit required to resolve a finding.For example, a common fix for resolving risk assessment findings is the addition of tasks to View Full Answer

                                                                      Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                      How do the Order and Verify action buttons work in the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                      To explain how these two buttons work best, have you decided on an answer to my question earlier? Will you take action yourself to fix your findings? Or, do you want assistance fixing these findings?When you take action yourself to fix your findings, you would use the 'Verify' button in the Guidelines section. This lets us know you want help confirming your work has been done View Full Answer

                                                                        Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                        What happens when I click on the ‘Order’ action button in the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                        Ahh, so you want to place an order then! Okay, let's see what happens when you click on the 'Order' button. Well, there are a couple of things which happen when you do this; firstly, the Order button changes colour to green, indicating you have selected it and secondly, the Summary section will change and show the lines you have selected: View Full Answer

                                                                          Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                          What happens when I click on the ‘Quote’ action button in the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                          Ahh, so you want to some help but there's no costing showing and you need to know what the cost will be! Okay, let's see what happens when you click on the 'Quote' button. Well, there are a couple of things which happen when you do this; firstly, the Quote button changes colour to green, indicating you have selected it; secondly, the Summary section will change and show the lines you ha View Full Answer

                                                                            Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                            What happens when I click on the ‘Verify’ action button in the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                            Ahh, so you've sorted out dome of your findings and now want to have them verified and removed. That's awesome! Okay, let's see what happens when you click on the 'Verify' button. Well, there are a couple of things which happen when you do this; firstly, the Verify button changes colour to green, indicating you have selected it; secondly, the Summary section will change and show the lin View Full Answer

                                                                              Guidelines To Strategise

                                                                              In the guidelines section on my SafetyWallet dashboard, why do some lines only allow you to place an order while others only allow you to request a quote?

                                                                              That's a very important question you've asked! You are quite correct though; some lines do show only an order button while others only show a quote button. There is an important reason for this, lines which have been costed, allow you to place an order. This is because they are simpler to cost. However, some lines are not so easy to cost, so instead, you need to request a quote so we ca View Full Answer

                                                                                Make My Savings Better

                                                                                How do I set the reward lines in my check calculator, to my current reward savings status on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                                Don't stress, this is very easy to do! Adjust the reward button settings in each reward line, to match the settings of each reward in your SafetyWallet status: To change the Membership setting, click on the Membership reward button. Select the Family Circle membership option by clicking on it and then repeat for each of the other rewa View Full Answer

                                                                                  Make My Savings Better

                                                                                  How do I use the reward lines in my check calculator, to check my savings on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                                  Okay, now that you have your current reward status sorted, it's time to play! And that's exactly what this is for, to play around and see what savings you can make. Think of it as a test calculator to see what can happen. Remember though, the calculator only applies to one order; the one you have partially setup to test. This provides an idea of your savings on one particular order; ima View Full Answer

                                                                                    Make My Savings Better

                                                                                    On my SafetyWallet dashboard, I’ve saved R41.39. That doesn’t seem like a very big saving for the work I have to do?

                                                                                    Okay, you raise a good point, however you're forgetting something! Remember, this is one order and it's only for three appointment letters (and, in actual fact that's not a bad saving after all)! So, let's think a bit bigger and really see the effects; let's say we want to place ten people on fire-fighting training! How would the savings benefit us now? View Full Answer

                                                                                      Make My Savings Better

                                                                                      On my SafetyWallet dashboard, how do I change the check calculator settings to view a new costing comparison?

                                                                                      First up! We need to undo what we've done so, let's undo and change the settings we have; we need to deselect the partial order we currently have setup, we need to deselect the category we are on, we need to change the category from Appointment Letters to Training, we need to select the fire training, we need to set the fire training to the right number of persons (units), we need to cr View Full Answer

                                                                                        Make My Savings Better

                                                                                        I want to upgrade my membership plan now.

                                                                                        We've made this a bit easier for you! At the bottom of the How Can I Make My Savings Even Better section, we've placed a membership upgrade button for your convenience. So, if you want to start improving your rewards to get those better savings, you can start right away by upgrading your membership. How's that for convenience!`Click on the 'Upgrade My Membership Now' button. This will p View Full Answer

                                                                                          Selection Summary and Orders

                                                                                          How do I place an order for help to fix a finding, on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                                          Okay, there a couple of simple steps you need to follow to place your order with us. Before we get started showing you how though, let's recap on a few things, using the example of the three appointment letters to highlight this:1/. We've selected the category option displaying the findings we need help with to resolve; in this case, the Appointment Letters category. 2/. We've sele View Full Answer

                                                                                            Selection Summary and Orders

                                                                                            I want to place my order. How do I do this on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                                            Okay, so you're happy with the pricing and you want to place your order, that's great! Get that order number ready because you're going to need it now! Input it in the Order Reference field and click on the Place Order button. A pop-up will display, asking you to confirm your order placement. Click Ok and that's it! All done! You'll be taken to a confirmation page to let you that we kno View Full Answer

                                                                                              Selection Summary and Orders

                                                                                              I want to action an order I’ve placed. How do I do this on my SafetyWallet dashboard?

                                                                                              So, you need some help fixing a finding and you've selected what finding you need help with. You've clicked on the Order action button and checked your rewards discount is correct. Now you need to tell us about it.This is where the Summary section comes into play! You will find the Summary section at the bottom of the dashboard page, after the How Can I Make My Savings Even Better secti View Full Answer

                                                                                                Contractor Directory General

                                                                                                As a SafetyWallet member, why is my contractor control on-site so important?

                                                                                                Contractor control on your premises is a very important aspect of health and safety. The contractor and his employees will not be familiar with your premises or the hazards they could possibly encounter while on your premises, increasing the chances of a serious incident occurring.They are also an unknown entity, which means you, as the employer, will not know how safe they are when the View Full Answer

                                                                                                  Contractor Directory General

                                                                                                  Why does adding a contractor to my SafetyWallet profile need both SafetyWallet and OHS Online?

                                                                                                  Yes, this may seem a bit odd but in actual fact it isn't. SafetyWallet provides a convenient point for you to add a contractor to your profile, however, OHS Online is the database and main work place for your data. So, SafetyWallet places the selected contractor into the vetting queue. OHS Online is where you follow up and complete the vetting process so your chosen contractor can be added to your View Full Answer

                                                                                                    Contractor Directory General

                                                                                                    The contractor I want to use in SafetyWallet, has details missing. Why is this?

                                                                                                    A very important question! Unfortunately, this is not the fault of SafetyWallet. It's actually linked to the contractor and their profile. It means that when the contractor was setup, they did not provide details for a contact, their email or their website address, so SafetyWallet cannot display the details you need to contact them. This is why it's very important that when you are setu View Full Answer

                                                                                                      Contractor Directory General

                                                                                                      In SafetyWallet, what details do I need to give to make sure my profile, as a contractor, is correct on the Contractor Listing?

                                                                                                      A very good question and a very important one too! There are actually a few important details which you need to provide to make sure your contractor profile is correct. These are as follows:1/. Contact Name - this would be the name of the person in your company who would manage new sales or services to clients. 2/. Contact Number - obviously, if we have a name, we also need a numbe View Full Answer

                                                                                                        Contractor Directory General

                                                                                                        In SafetyWallet, why are keywords important in the Contractor Listing?

                                                                                                        Keywords are a crucial aspect to the contractor listing and your being found by prospective clients! Think about it! When you go onto Google, you enter keywords to search for a topic! This is the same thing, only this time, it's you that you want to be found. Think of up to 15 words that would best describe the services you offer and SafetyWallet will use these for you to be found (we can add a fe View Full Answer

                                                                                                          Contractor Directory General

                                                                                                          Sometimes I see the ‘Add to Contractors’ button differs in SafetyWallet, for different contractors.

                                                                                                          Ah, yes, good spotting! The 'Add to My Contractors' button can actually have three different settings, depending on the contractor's status in relation to YOU. Where the contractor has no link to you, you will see the 'Add to My Contractors' button, allowing you to add the contractor to your profile. If you wish to add the contractor and have clicked on the 'Add to My Contractors' butto View Full Answer


                                                                                                            How does the contractor vetting process work in SafetyWallet?

                                                                                                            The vetting process of a contractor is very straightforward. Simply add the contractor details in the Contractor Vetting page on OHS Online. Upload the tax invoice confirming the contractor services and then sit back and wait to hear from us. We will verify the invoice and, once verified, automatically add the contractor to your contractor register, where you can begin to benefits from the rewards View Full Answer

                                                                                                              Risk Assessment

                                                                                                              As a SafetyWallet member I need to conduct a risk assessment. What is a risk assessment?

                                                                                                              A risk assessment is a really cool and important tool which is used in health and safety. Through it, all workplace hazards are identified, evaluated and quantified. This allows them to be ranked from the most serious to the least serious. This is really cool because it acts as guide providing direction on which health and safety actions are the most urgent to fix. Next, preventative a View Full Answer

                                                                                                                Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                Why is a risk assessment so important in SafetyWallet?

                                                                                                                The answer to this has a really cool aspect and a not so cool aspect. Let's get the not so cool aspect out of the way first! Here's where the red-tape rears its ugly head! A risk assessment is driven directly by legislation. Its importance is emphasised by a paragraph within the OHS Act directly implying a risk assessment be conducted. This means any failure to conduct a risk assessment View Full Answer

                                                                                                                  Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                  As a SafetyWallet member, why conduct a risk assessment?

                                                                                                                  The main reason is that it's really important! Often, when the Department of Labour conduct a visit to your premises, the risk assessment is usually one of the first documents the Inspector will ask for to review. By conducting a risk assessment of your business, you fulfil an important requirement of the OHS Act, identifying health and safety hazards within your business. At the same time, it pro View Full Answer

                                                                                                                    Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                    As a SafetyWallet member, does a risk assessment fix my health and safety compliance?

                                                                                                                    If the risk assessment is completed in full, then the answer to this is 'yes', it will. The important bit to note here is 'completed in full'. What do we mean by this? Well, simply put, we mean completing the initial identification of and quantification of hazards in your workplace and then putting all their control measures into place. There is a common misconception that si View Full Answer

                                                                                                                      Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                      As a SafetyWallet member, that sounds like a lot of work! Is there another way to get my health and safety compliance?

                                                                                                                      No, not really, remember the risk assessment is driven by legislation. This means it has to be done. Plus, if you examine it closely, it is a really cool tool for keeping the workplace healthy and safe. You're quite right though; it is a lot of work. But, remember two important things here; the great thing about a risk assessment is that it places work into an order of priority, so you View Full Answer

                                                                                                                        Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                        What type of risk assessment do you use in SafetyWallet?

                                                                                                                        A good question! There are a number of different types of risk assessment which can be done. We use a Task Risk Assessment (TRA). This method is a simple, easy to understand and practical method which identifies all the tasks you use within your business. Each task is then analysed to determine the hazards associated with its use. These hazards are then analysed, quantified and prioritised for ac View Full Answer

                                                                                                                          Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                          As a SafetyWallet member, can

                                                                                                                          Unfortunately, not! In most cases, any task you perform in your workplace will involve a combination of the category types. They dovetail and overlap one another, providing a comprehensive set of controls for any particular task. So, you may need to put an extractor (engineering control) in the workplace to remove any dust created during a task but at the same time, include a safe opera View Full Answer

                                                                                                                            Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                            Terms Internal Risk & External Risk applied to the risk assessment

                                                                                                                            Another important question! When we discuss 'External Risk' in this context, we are referring mainly to contractors and the risk they bring when they work on your premises. We discuss 'Internal Risk' in this context, to apply to all the other factors you are controlling in your risk assessment. We're not trying to confuse you anymore than we may have here. All we are doing is separating View Full Answer

                                                                                                                              Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                              Can you explain how the Risk Assessment Methodology Calculator works in SafetyWallet?

                                                                                                                              A very good question and an important one too! So, no problems, let's get to it! The Risk Assessment Methodology Calculator (RAMC) is a tool used to objectively categorise the Severity (Consequence) and Probability (Frequency) of a hazard. The probability looks at the likelihood that an incident will be caused by the hazard, while the severity looks at the outcome the hazard causes if a View Full Answer

                                                                                                                                Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                                How is risk calculated using the Risk Assessment Methodology Calculator in SafetyWallet?

                                                                                                                                Great question! The risk a hazard represents, is calculated by the product of the severity of the risk by the likelihood it will happen; Risk = Severity x Likelihood. The resulting product value is then compared against another tool, called the Risk Category table, to determine and categorise the level of risk the hazard represents. The Risk Category table is shown below:The Risk Catego View Full Answer

                                                                                                                                  Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                                  As a SafetyWallet member, this looks like a lot of work. Do I have to calculate all my hazards and tasks this way?

                                                                                                                                  Simply put, yes, you do! Don't stress too much though. Since you're a SafetyWallet member, you have access to OHS Online, which means you can create your risk assessment online, which means you can create your risk assessment quickly and efficiently. Simply find and select your task from our library of tasks and insert it into your risk assessment. The hazards associated with the task will automat View Full Answer

                                                                                                                                    Risk Assessment

                                                                                                                                    Can you tell me about more about control measures and what they are, in SafetyWallet?

                                                                                                                                    Sure, no problems. As we mentioned earlier, control measures are actions you take to reduce the potential exposure of a hazard to anyone in your workplace. By implementing these control measures and reducing the risk exposure, you reduce the number of injuries in your workplace, making it both healthier and safer. We place control measure actions into five major categories. M View Full Answer

                                                                                                                                      Categories described in laymen

                                                                                                                                      A category is a really neat filter which places all your audit findings into categories, allowing them to be more easily recognised and described in simple laymen's terms. There are 25 categories in total, covering just about everything in health and safety: View Full Answer